Oh, the college drop off season is here (hugs and a few heartfelt words).

Marlene Markoe-Boyd
2 min readAug 26, 2022


To those dropping kids off at college, sending kids to serve our country (thank you!), or just watching your kid get to their personal destination, I am thinking of you (hugs).

There was always that one constant destination we were traveling to. Together.

To reach it, we have been on many different roads along the way.

All with different scenery.

Some of the roads were hilly, some were straight and narrow, and some you didn’t know what was around the bend, but you kept the course anyway.

Sometimes you acted like the driver and we as the vehicle.

You led. We just supported.

Sometimes you acted as the vehicle and we as the drivers.

You kept the engine going as we helped you get back on course.

Sometimes you followed the directions. Other times you got lost but were resourceful enough to use “Waze” (the real live human version) to keep you heading in the right direction when you needed it.

Most of the time you were letting down the windows and enjoying every moment on this journey to your destination.

Yet, some days you simply ran out of gas and stopped momentarily on the side of the road.

With lots of wear and tear and mileage accrued, however, you are now here.

The road has been traveled. And traveled well.

The “road trip” memories you have gathered so far will remain with you forever because they WERE the journey.

So park your car. Turn off the ignition.

Settle in. Catch your breadth.

Take it all in because ….

There is a brand new road waiting for you to travel it.

The only thing that is different is that you are now the driver and the vehicle .

With much love and pride — go press on that gas pedal and find your next destination.

And if you get lost or if your vehicle breaks down , you’ll know which version of Waze you’ll need or where to find a good mechanic and the road to get you #home.

When college seemed so far away….

